Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Abiyamo Omo Society's First Breastfeeding Mother of the Month (December 2011)

The Abiyamo Omo Society is excited to introduce our first Breastfeeding Mother of the Month, Cydya Stevenson Thomas.  Each month we will highlight a Black or Brown Breastfeeding Mother who enjoyed her Breastfeeding experience and whose story needs to be shared.  This month we chose Cydya for her passion, advocacy and overall positive spirit.  She also just joined our team at The Monolatry Group.  She is our Marketing Director.  So, we honor her this month and applaud her.  Here is her interview...

Your Name: Cydya Stevenson Thomas

Your Profession: Sales Operations Manager

Your Child’s Name & Age: London Jada Thomas, 6 months old

How long are you breastfeeding?  I will breastfeed at least 1 year.

How did you know to breastfeed?  My mother breastfed all 3 of my brothers and me so, it wasn’t a thought to do it.  I just knew I needed to breastfeed.

Please explain to us your overall breastfeeding experience.  My overall experience has been wonderful. It is great for London and great for my health.  It keeps my metabolism up, reduces my risk of getting ovarian, uterine and breast cancer, keeps London healthy, keeps her immune system up, and it creates bond between us.

How are you inspired by your breastfeeding experience?  My breastfeeding experience inspires me to be a great mother/provider/caregiver for London.

Are there any obstacles you had to overcome during your breastfeeding experience?  I went to Aruba for 6 days for my honeymoon and I didn’t pump enough while I was gone.  My supply went down and I was afraid I was not going to be able to increase it.  I had to pump a lot even after I finished feeding her.  I also bought Fenugreek and Fennel supplements and Mothers Milk tea to aid in production.

What are some of the ways you inspire other mothers to breastfeed and get the word of encouragement out in the community?  I inspire other mothers to breastfeed by setting an example.  I tell other mothers the benefits of breastfeeding for the health of their babies, their health, and their pockets.  Breastmilk is free!  It is always on hand, you don’t have to worry about trying to mix a bottle or warm up anything.  It is very convenient.  I have recently joined The Monolatry Group, a company that supports, educates and aids breastfeeding mothers.

Cydya Stevenson Thomas is a military brat who spent most of her life in Central America, Asia, and Europe.  She currently resides in Kansas City, KS.  After graduating high school in Italy, she moved to Tallahassee, Florida to attend Florida A&M University.  She graduated in 2007 with a B.S. in Business Administration and remained in Florida until 2010.  Today, she works as a Sales Operations Manager at a Kansas City company and as Marketing Director for The Monolatry Group.  She recently married Jamaal Thomas who she met while attending FAMU and he fully supports her Breastfeeding their 6-month old daughter, London Jada, who is their pride and joy.  They are moving to a Chicago suburb this month.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful family! Thanks for sharing your experience :-)
