Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Breastfeeding Not Breast Cancer

The other day a distant cousin of mine sent me an e-mail on Facebook talking about a fundraiser for a Breast Cancer foundation.  It was something dealing with a run/walk fundraiser.  I responded to the e-mail with a statement saying the best way to "combat" breast cancer is to breastfeed.

Well, the next morning I received an e-mail from her saying not everyone agrees with my views about breastfeeding and she would prefer that I not respond to her e-mails with my personal opinions.  She ended it with "pretty please with sugar on top".

Of course, I sent her an e-mail letting her know when she sends the breast cancer run/walk support e-mail she was stating her opinion and providing her views about women's health.  Also, I told her breastfeeding is not an opinion!  Breastfeeding is how women are naturally suppose to feed their babies.  You don't walk around telling yourself you don't need to breathe on your own and prefer to use a respirator.  You breathe!  And when you tell someone you rather use your lungs the other person doesn't say that's your opinion.

Breastfeeding is meant for all babies.  Breastfeeding is meant for all moms.  All these other issues, frustrations, conditions get in the way of successful breastfeeding because we allow them to get in the way.  We don't have enough milk banks, enough lactation specialists, enough education nor enough money in this industry.  People go around making ignorant statements about lactation and many don't have any children or any education.  Even men seem to breast block the optimal form of infant nutrition by making uneducated statements.  We have politicians blocking important legislation supporting and protecting our mothers and children.  Why do we even need a lobbying committee?!  I'll tell you why.  It's because we have a country run by corporations which include drug companies that make formula and fill the pockets of politicians, doctors and hospitals.

There will come a time where we will look back on this era and laugh at ourselves.  We will put in history books how disconnected we were from our natural selves.  Our future generations will scratch their heads wondering why we thought putting a concoction of synthetic vitamins, preservatives, dyes and fillers were good to introduce to a tiny human's belly, stretching it to an unhealthy level.

Breastfeeding will become the norm again whether we like it or not because NATURE ALWAYS WINS.


  1. I love this statement and I am linking it to my blog this Wednesday...check it out

  2. Ich schätze Ihren Standpunkt, und es tut mir leid, dass Sie Ihre Stillzeit früher beenden mussten, als Sie geplant hatten! Es ist so schwer, loszulassen, ich habe es mit meinen Zwillingen gemacht und ich erinnere mich an das Gefühl! Aber Sie sind in keiner Weise ein Fehler! Es hört sich an, als ob du deine Babys sehr liebst! infants
